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  • Writer's pictureolaolurufai

The Right Attitude...

Updated: May 22, 2018

I recently came across a post on Instagram that talked about how the different letters in the word 'ATTITUDE' add up to 100 if you take their numerical value based on number in the list of alphabets. So the numerical value of A is 1 because its the 1st letter of the alphabet, T= 20, U=21, D=4 and E=5, all which add up to 100 if you do the math.

It really got me thinking and here's what I realised. Your attitude is EVERYTHING. Your attitude influences your perception,which influences your mood, which influences your output most of the time, which then goes to influence how you feel about your life generally.

My attitude about so many things has stank worse than the smell associated with a skunk. To the point that its held me back from seeing the good in a lot of things and has led me to missing out on opportunities.

Last week, something happened in my personal life that shook me because it left me with a whole lot of questions. My attitude typically when things I don't expect or plan for happens to me is on of sulking and feeling bad for myself. But this time, I said NO! I gave myself a few days to process and to be honest, I am still processing but honestly there's just no point in having a bad attitude.

This also applies to when we are in a process; that lack of contentment of not being where you want or think you should be. The right attitude would be absorbing all that you can and trusting the process. It's easier said than done, but its doable.

Going forward, the right attitude for me is seeing everything as an experience. I got this from a friend of mine's story on instagram. If you approach life and all the things that happen to you as an opportunity to learn, that is the best attitude. You may be disappointed, frustrated or even let down, but you're growing.

That gives you strength and its honestly very vital in the journey to fearless because you see possibilities. Its that glass half full mentality; it makes ALL the difference... That's what I am working on right now

My two cents...


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