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  • Writer's pictureolaolurufai

It's Okay...

'You sound like you don't know exactly what you want to do next'...

It's okay to not have it all figured out.

I have been at both ends of the spectrum, where at the end of a conversation people say to me; "I wish I had this much clarity at your age"and then the other response after a few other conversations with other people.

Words carry a lot of weight and if we aren't careful, we will find that we end up believing the things people say to us while we are in weird head spaces. I tend to replay conversations in my head and its so easy to get stuck in that place where I feel like if people are saying this, it must be true.

Not entirely!!!

While going after the things you want, there will be moments of clarity and direction and other ones where you just don't know. I think with all the pressure of getting things done and being your best, we think its not okay to be confused about the next step.

A lot of the time, life happens and sometimes, in ways that royally mess up whatever plans we have, creating confusion. I have found myself at this stage just being confused and thinking its not okay to be confused. This usually results in putting an enormous amount of pressure on myself, leading into me digging a deep hole of self-pity and ultimately crippling myself.

The idea of having it all figured out is a myth. I don't think anyone ever does and honestly, that's okay. It doesn't make you less of a person or less ambitious or less of anything. What you do next is what's important.... Fall down 7 times, get up 8 times...

Re-plan...reroute...make adjustments.

Keep moving! Never stay stagnant. Gather your thoughts! Confusion isn't necessarily the end of a road; it could in fact, be a redirection to possibilities you never saw in the first place.

I'm learning that its okay to be confused sometimes. Sometimes the grace we have is for enough light just for the next step...sometimes we may have to step out in faith, even though this may feel similar to swinging a bat blindly and struggling to hit something.

In this journey to being fearless, I'm embracing my moments of utmost clarity and those of confusion. I'm learning that its all part of the process....

And, its okay!

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