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  • Writer's pictureolaolurufai

The Box.. Inside or Outside?

I am starting to believe a lot in the power of thinking outside of the box. It’s such a strong concept that applies to every area of our lives. When you think outside the box, there is literally a solution to every problem; might not necessarily be the entire solution but it would at least be a part of it. This also prevents you from making silly excuses especially when money is involved.

I’ll give you an example, I had planned to buy a sewing machine at the start of the year, but things always seemed to come up and I had to divert the money into different things. Now in thinking outside the box, I found a solution that’s actually been staring me right in the face the whole time.

The point I am trying to pass across basically is that if you let it, thinking one way will help you stay stagnant, you will make excuses ALL the time!! But if you tackle a problem from different angles, being open to the fact that there are multiple solutions to different problems.

Just thought to drop that real quick before it escaped me…

Let me know what you’re trying to solve and how thinking outside the box helps, if it does….


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